Learning Sharing Growing
Towards 2026 YAKKUM is trying to achieve its vision. Therefore, in 2023, YAKKUM Learning Carnival (YLC) was held. As one of the many programs held by YAKKUM during Easter. This YLC was held as a form of attention to employees (HR) who play a major role as a driving force for YAKKUM to achieve this vision.
In addition to introducing the activities of YAKKUM unit excellence, this YLC is also intended to increase employee involvement, motivation, and competence in order to support services. This includes activating the YAKKUM Leaders Growth program and reinforcing the values of the work culture at YAKKUM. As well as being a momentum to kick off the start of the YAKKUM Academy program.
There were also Dr. Indrawan Nugroho, Dr. dr. Jodi Visnu, MPH, Th. Agung M. Harsiwi, Rev. Wisnu Sapto Nugroho as resource persons. The implementation of YLC April 13-14, 2023 at Swiss-Bell Inn Saripetojo Hotel, Solo was enlivened and supported by Bank Jateng.

Service Excellence

Internalization of Inclusion Values for Employee Induction


Strengthening Financial Management and Entrepreneurship

Strengthening HR Management
YAKKUM’s work culture
YAKKUM’s culture is a church mandate and an ethical framework that ensures the continuity of the organisation’s ministry and business.
BERSINAR is a behaviour that demonstrates gratitude, love, and righteousness.
Transformation and Innovation
The objective of this seminar is to explore strategies for enhancing employee motivation in the context of exponential transformation.
YAKKUM Board Chairman remarks
“The first YAKKUM Learning Carnival like this was held in 2023, and will be held in the following years.”
This YLC was initiated from a longing that was encouraged and called for YAKKUM to be able to carry out its duties well. Especially in connection with YAKKUM’s RENSTRA that this is a time when we prepare ourselves for aggressive growth.
“There are many changes that turn out to be at the centre of human resource management.”
Innovative Competition
Catering Sehat and Difayana were the top two poll results from the top five (Virtual Medical Check Up, Easycare, and Oppo) in the Innovative Competition which managed to gather 21 nominated ideas in order for YAKKUM to develop its presence in the world of health.
Bank Jateng
Bank Jateng took part as one of the supporting elements of the YAKKUM Leaders Carnival at Swiss Belinn Saripetojo Hotel 13-14 April 2023.
YAKKUM Easter 2023
Departing from the story of Cornelius and Peter in Acts 10:34-42 described by Pastor Sujatno Putro Waskito – GKI Nusukan, provides inspiration in YAKKUM Easter.
“Be a person who multiplies experiences to tell stories of how God changes our lives. Multiply testimonies, multiply stories.”
And as a continuation of the Easter Service, the organ delivered its Shepherding Message delivered by Pastor Yonatan Wijayanto as Chairman of the YAKKUM Trustees, namely:
“Inviting us to continue the ministry together with Gratitude, Love, and Righteousness or BERSINAR.”
To conclude the event, the YLC was closed with the awarding of awards to Catering Sehat and Difayana. They were the top two polling results from the top five Innovative Competition; the next three were Virtual Medical Check Up, Easy Care, and Operation Past-Pasti Operation. The Innovative Competition brought together 21 nominated ideas for YAKKUM to expand its presence in the healthcare world.