Inclusive Hospital Tour Dan Webinar Layanan Kesehatan Menuju Indonesia Inklusif Disabilitas Copy
YAKKUM Hospital is disability friendly, easily accessible, and quick to receive services at our hospital. National Competition for Health Facility Innovation towards Disability Inclusive Indonesia
YAKKUM’s Supports for Disability Inclusive Health Governance in Republic of Indonesia
drg. Kriswidiati conveyed this during the Inclusive Hospital Tour on Friday (6/9) at Panti Wilasa Citarum Hospital, Semarang, which will be followed by a webinar on Health Services towards Disability Inclusive Indonesia the next day.
The tour was intended to provide direct insight into health service practices that have been implemented at one of YAKKUM’s hospital. . YAKKUM hopes that through the webinar it can produce documentation of policy discussions and inclusive service models which will later become an important reference as well as a contribution to the efforts of various parties to achieve inclusive health services by 2030.
The series of activities are part of the culmination of the event, namely the National Competition for Health Facility Innovation towards Disability-Inclusive Indonesia. The competition was initiated with the aim of strengthening and expanding health services that can be accessed by people with and without disabilities throughout Indonesia.
This is a form of YAKKUM’s support to the Indonesian government in the context of implementing the Disability Inclusive Health Governance roadmap prepared by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia since 2019.
Disability Friendly Hospital
Endah Margya Suksmawati, S.IP., M.M., Head of the Social Rehabilitation Division of the Semarang City Social Service, appreciated the role of YAKKUM’s Panti Wilasa Citarum Hospital in supporting Semarang towards an inclusive city.
“In terms of accessibility and supporting facilities, it is very easy to access, the service human resources are quite friendly and they understand services for people with disabilities.”
Appreciation was also given for the availability of resources in realizing inclusive health services and being able to network in the Semarang city area. For example, 600 KG of rice assistance, organizing training, providing assistive devices given to the Social Affairs Office and it’s distribution.
Some workshops have been facilitated by Panti Wilasa Citarum; we hope that all hospitals owned by YAKKUM will continue to progress towards disability-friendly hospitals and inclusive health services. This includes increasing the quota for the involvement of people with disabilities to work in hospitals.

Some recommendations related to the hospital’s commitment to organizing disability inclusive health services include:
- Finding barriers that exist in hospitals in providing inclusive services for disabilities. Including asking inputs from the community to strengthen hospital service.
- Strive to eliminate barriers, at least reduce them.
- The principle of inclusion does not mean “the same” but “according to needs”, so it provides a different approach to patients with disabilities.
“The three are reflected on whether they have been well facilitated. Thank you for your attention and invitation to us.”
YAKKUM Hospital Trusted by the Public
For Dr. dr. Mochamad Abdul Hakam, SP.PD., Head of Semarang City Health Office, what Panti Wilasa Citarum YAKKUM Hospital has done in Semarang is a success in branding it as an inclusive and disability-friendly hospital.
“Especially when people with disabilities can access, be picked up by security, assisted from the registration desk, etc.”
The various forms of disability-friendly hospital services are familiar, and the testimonials given by patients are an encouragement that the people of Semarang do not need to worry.
However, in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, the achievement of attention to the issue of disability inclusion health services can be said to be “outstanding.” In addition, it’s necessary to pay attention to the risk of mental health problems, which has the potential to increase during climate change (El Nino)
Access to health services can be fulfilled by YAKKUM. In theory, inclusive health services have worked well. “If you build a hospital, it must have strong branding in inclusive services,” he added.
“YAKKUM’s hospitals have gained the trust of the public. The quality of service must be improved.”
Bringing Access to Health Services Closer
Observing the disability inclusive health services of YAKKUM, Elhamangto Zuhdan, M.K.M Head of Health Services Division of the Central Java Provincial Health Office saw how YAKKUM is trying to bring access to health services closer to the community, especially people with disabilities.
“Access is getting closer. The hospital is very supportive and in line with health services that are friendly to people with disabilities.”
These health services can develop according to the nature of the hospital leadership which influences the process of providing supporting services, convenience for the blind, at certain points providing easy access, crossover services, there are no barriers for all people including people with disabilities to get access, especially services at the hospital.
Continuity in services is still needed. Not only about providing facilities, but also overseeing how the program runs consistently, regularly, centered on the needs of people with disabilities.
Law 19 states that there are equal rights, but it requires a process. For those who have received it, then be independent, and they can get optimal services. The need for health services for people with disabilities can be utilized optimally in all hospitals in Central Java.
Regarding hospitals with difficult geography, the Semarang Provincial Health Office uses the strategy of Community Health Centers, Assistant Community Health Centers (Pustu), and Integrated Health Posts whose services are adjusted to the human life cycle as an effort to get closer to the family as the basis of primary health services.

Inclusive Service, Open Service
From the perspective of the Christian Service Fellowship for Health in Indonesia or PELKESI represented by Dr. Daniel Budi Wibowo, M.Kes, as the chairman, conveyed that health services are holistic services, something that unites. Therefore, in order to take away that can be shared with other hospitals, it is to remain faithful in advocating for inclusive health services for its member hospitals.
For PERLESI, there are 5 points that need to be improved:
- There is a policy from the hospital owner that health services must provide the rights of the disabled group.
- The policy is followed by action, providing facilities that can help the same health services for the disabled. The disabled group has the right to equal registration and services.
- Qualified human resources.
- There are alternative communication facilities, which support health services including sign language skills. PELKESI has conducted training with YAKKUM several times.
- Availability of medical devices, both inside and outside the hospital. Each city has disability-friendly transportation facilities, which allow the disabled group to go to the hospital. Collaboration is needed between health facilities, local governments, and public transportation providers. This also includes collaboration between health facilities, local governments, and philanthropic groups that provide facilities.
“Inclusive health services are not exclusive, but open to the entire community. Including philanthropic groups taking part.”
Our approach is the church, we support the church to have accessible facilities for the disabled. Even further, in November we will create tutors for children with special needs so that they can take care of themselves independently.
Hospital Without Walls for the Disabled
The existence of Laws, Regulations in Lieu of Laws, Government Regulations, and others is a general illustration that the government has provided regulations that are a driving force for all parties to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of the disabled. Drg. Farichah Hanum, M.Kes from the Central Java Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI) said that the accreditation standards have also touched on the rights of patients and families, including those with disabilities.
Although on the one hand, the fulfillment of these patient rights is easy, there are several challenges that still need to be overcome. The fulfillment of the rights of patients and families has been regulated by law. The PERSI Award is a trigger for hospital innovations to be more inclusive. So that the collaborations that are established within the framework of health services to be more inclusive can provide greater trust.
“Fourth, health services that are proactive, hospitals without walls for the disabled, in terms of financing will be more effective and efficient through empowerment for friends with disabilities, that’s amazing!”

Inclusive Is a Process
Starting from the concept of inclusive, if examined in depth is an absorption from a foreign language, inclusive. “An adjective where the disabled become comfortable, accept, and enjoy a pleasant service ecosystem,” explained Jonna Aman Damanik, Commissioner of the National Disability Commission (KND).
Meanwhile, for Jonna when talking about health services, how a hospital becomes comfortable “nice,” will see how all the differences of people served can be facilitated by the hospital.
“Don’t make inclusive a goal, because it’s ‘tiring’, because that’s a trait.”
The key to how a hospital becomes inclusive is to faithfully process to achieve this goal. If an individual becomes inclusive, then the system where the person is located will work inclusively.
Jonna appreciates what YAKKUM has done as a good practice and encourages it to have more similar good practices. Economic initiatives from people with disabilities are extraordinary. The National Disability Commission is discussing initiative documents from the disabled community.
Inclusive Principle:
- Reduce stigma. We cannot eliminate stigma but at least eliminate it.
- Accessibility. How is the hospital accessible? Providing accessibility is a necessity. What YAKKUM did was an initiative from the community, namely civil society. But don’t forget the state must respond and facilitate. The government is obliged to provide.
- Budget collaboration.
- Community participation in this case people with disabilities.
At least with these four (4) points it will facilitate the creation of a comfortable ecosystem for people with disabilities.
“I will bring this good practice to the Ministry of Health, what YAKKUM has done inspires the Ministry of Health’s policy on inclusive health services, good for the roadmap for inclusive health services to be realized in 2045”
Learning from Maluku about Posyandu Prima, the regulation is good but how to inspire it to the household requires our concern. Inclusive is not a goal, but it can be achieved when we are loyal to the process.
The existence of policies and roadmaps for various parties to realize inclusive services is a reminder. That the next effort is monitoring that prioritizes the active role of multiple parties.