Rapid Assessment Of The Needs Of Inclusive Communities Affected By The Central Java Flood Disaster (Demak)
Inclusive Needs
Following the flooding in Demak, Central Java in the first quarter of 2024, the YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU) Yogyakarta conducted a rapid assessment of the inclusive needs of disaster-affected communities.
The objective of this survey is to ascertain the needs of vulnerable groups and communities. The data collected through this survey will subsequently be shared with relevant stakeholders. In addition, the data will inform the development of YEU’s response programme, ensuring alignment with community needs and institutional capacity.
While there is no obligation to participate in the rapid assessment, respondents’ identities will be kept confidential.
Potential Persons with Disabilities
The implementation of disaster surveys related to inclusive issues also involved Ozy and Utha, persons with potential disabilities assisted by the Community Health Improvement Unit (UPKM) of Panti Wilasa Citarum YAKKUM Hospital in Semarang. They are individuals with intellectual disabilities who have been members of Roemah Difabel/Community of Friends of Difabel Semarang. Both have participated in several training programmes to enhance their capabilities. These include leadership and organising training conducted by YAKKUM-BfdW.