YAKKUM Attends National Conference on Women 2024 with DIGNITY Program
National Conference on Women and Inclusive Society
The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (P3A) with its partners held the 2024 Women’s National Conference (Munas) in Badung, Bali with the theme “Women for Mother Earth”. YAKKUM was present there as one of the many partners in national development, especially towards an inclusive society.
The YAKKUM Rehabilitation Centre (PRY), which was asked to carry out the Disability Inclusion Through Strengthening Local to National Policy and capacity (DIGNITY) program, was present at the National Conference along with its partner from West Nusa Tenggara, Lombok Independent Disability Indonesia (LIDI NTB).
Self-Development for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
According to Karina, a person with psychosocial disabilities from LIDI NTB said that she felt inspired by the enthusiasm of the other women. Although she has just become the treasurer of the Swabantu Group in her village, Karina wants to continue to develop herself and fight for the rights of persons with disabilities.
In line with that, Wisnu, as the person in charge of the DIGNITY Program in NTB, emphasized the importance of activities such as this Women’s National Conference because it can increase the confidence of people with psychosocial disabilities who often experience discrimination and stigma.
The DIGNITY or Disability Inclusion Through Strengthening Local to National Policy and Capacity program carried out by PRY is an Australia-Indonesia collaboration that focuses on psychosocial issues, access to employment and entrepreneurship and political participation of people with disabilities. This program is implemented by PRY in seven (7) provinces namely North Sumatra, Central Java, Banten, NTT, NTB, West Sulawesi and Southwest Papua by cooperating with eight (8) local partners and ministries.
A Moment of Meaningful Participation
Minister of of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia, Bintang Puspayoga emphasized the importance of increasing the role of women in government, empowering women in a sustainable manner, and stopping violence against women and children, including women with disabilities from all elements. “National Conference 2024 is an important moment for Indonesian women to unite and strengthen their voices”. Here, the Minister of P3A also delivered 9 national agendas for women, disabilities, and other marginalized groups to women’s representatives from all over Indonesia.
This event is an important moment to realize meaningful participation from Indonesian women. The results of the 2024 Women’s National Conference will be handed over as input for RPJMN, Renstra and regional planning documents.
The two (2) day event from Friday – Saturday (19-20/4/24) at Balai Budaya Giri Nata Mandala, Badung Government Centre, Bali was attended by 1500 participants from 263 districts and 35 provinces.
Women for Mother Earth realize development plans that are equal and inclusive.